Recycling guidelines follow an entirely different set of standards than traditional waste collection. As a result, there are certain measures people should take when they are preparing recycling waste that they might not otherwise. Learn about some of the things you should and should not do when you prepare your waste for pickup.

Separate Containers

You already know that it's important to have separate containers for your regular waste and recycling materials. However, it's also a good idea to store the containers in two different areas. Particularly when it comes to younger children, they might accidentally place trash in the wrong container or recyclable materials in the other container. Either way, you might find yourself having to sort through the container on waste collection day, which is no fun. Separating the containers makes each more distinct. 

Plastic Bags

Putting all of your recyclable waste in plastic bags seems like a great way to keep the items organized, but it's not advised. Sure, the plastic bag itself might be a recyclable material, but using these bags may create a hassle for the recycling center because they have to remove the bag before they can sort your waste, and sometimes they even jam their equipment. It's also important to note that some companies won't even collect waste in plastic bags.  

Grease and Grime

You're probably eager to recycle anything that has the appropriate label on it, but it's a good idea to use a certain level of judgment. Particularly when it comes to food containers, if the item is saturated with grease or grime, unfortunately, it's probably not recyclable and should be tossed with your regular waste instead. The issue is that the grease and grime alter the quality of the material, particularly when it comes to paper products and make them less useable post the recycling process. 

Check the Label

When in doubt, it's always a good idea to check the label. Sometimes, people will see an aluminum, paper, or plastic product and automatically make the assumption that it's recyclable, when in fact, it's not. Common items mistaken for recycling include some drink containers, such as milk cartons, Styrofoam, and shredded paper. The best thing to do is to get into the habit of checking for a label until you're more confident and know what to recycle and what not to. 

Although there are certain guidelines that are across the board, it's important to contact the curbside pickup service you've partnered with. All companies have different guidelines, so you want to ensure you get specific information. Talk with a curbside recycling company near you like Industrial Services Inc and ask about their guidelines. 
